Our Financial and Cancellation Policy:

You are 100% responsible for all services you receive in this office. Payment is to be made in full at the time of each visit unless prior special arrangements have been made.

You are responsible for all scheduled appointments for both Chiropractic and Massage once the appointments are made. Cancellations require email notification at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment to avoid being charged the full session amount.

We accept cash, check, debit, credit, HSA and FSA cards for payments. (Returned checks NSF will incur a $40 service fee.)

We do not directly bill your insurance. We are happy to provide you with a superbill (detailed receipt) that you can submit to your insurance company. They may then reimburse you directly.

We are not enrolled in any insurance networks. If you have insurance that requires you to use a chiropractor in their network, your care here will not be covered.

We are not enrolled as Medicare providers. As such, Medicare will not reimburse you for any services or care received in this office. 

We do not handle any Workers Compensation claims. If you are seeking care for a work-related injury, you must go to a provider that handles such cases.

Terms of Acceptance/Philosophical Agreement:

When a person seeks chiropractic health care and we accept to provide such care, it is essential that we both have a clear understanding of our objectives, goals, and responsibilities in this special relationship.

The following concepts are central to the way chiropractic is practiced in this office.  We share these ideas so that we can be in alignment of purpose from the very beginning.

  • There is an intelligence within each of us that keeps us alive, that runs and coordinates all our physiological functions, repairs, renews, regenerates, and heals.

  • The Nerve System is the main coordinating and distribution system for the body’s innate intelligence.

  • Alterations or distortion in the shape, position, tone, or tension of the Nerve System (especially at the spine) will interfere with the expression of this intelligence.

  • Chiropractors call this interference to the proper functioning of the Nerve System a Vertebral Subluxation.  Subluxation causes alteration in nerve function and distorts the communication channels between the brain and the body.  The result is a lessening of the body’s innate ability to express its maximum health potential.

  • Health is a state of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease, symptoms, or infirmity.

  • An Adjustment is the specific and honoring application of forces to facilitate the body’s release and integration of subluxation.

  • The sole purpose of the chiropractic adjustment in this office is to assist your body to release vertebral subluxation and benefit from the restoration of clear communication channels in the body.  Everyone, regardless of their symptoms or ailments, will benefit from a nerve system which is more flexible, elastic, and free of vertebral subluxation.

  • We do not offer diagnosis or treatment for specific diseases. Our only practice objective is to eliminate major interferences to the expression of the body’s innate wisdom and to support your body to hold and integrate adjustments. If you desire advice, diagnosis, or treatment for specific diseases, we encourage you to seek the counsel of a medical disease care specialist.