
Whether you are stressed from juggling challenges at work or home, seeking relief from a recent injury or dealing with a longstanding issue, training for your next athletic event or simply managing too many hours a day sitting at a computer, a chiropractic adjustment can help you begin to reset and restore your equilibrium and shift towards healing, recovery, growth and personal evolution.

However, you don’t have to be symptomatic or in pain to start feeling even better. Regular ongoing chiropractic care can help you maintain a higher level of health and wellbeing by clearing subluxation patterns before they become problematic.

Expectant Mothers

Prenatal chiropractic care can profoundly influence the quality of your pregnancy and health of your reproductive system. Periodic adjustments during gestation can benefit all aspects of your health and improve the ease with which your body can adapt to the physical and hormonal changes of each trimester. Keeping expectant mothers in optimum biomechanical integrity and free from neurological interference can ensure the best environment for your baby to grow and develop.

Infants and Kids


Adjusting babies and small children is different from adjusting adults. Most of it is done using very light touch tonal contacts and craniosacral unwinding rather than the more structural work associated with adult care. Babies’ systems are very responsive and most of the work requires less than 5 grams of pressure. 

People sometimes ask, “Why would a newborn baby or young child need chiropractic care?” Infants have sensitive spines and rapidly developing nervous systems that can be interfered with in many different ways: from constraints while in utero, difficulties with the birth process, nursing challenges, physical and/or chemical stressors from pre- or post-natal interventions just to name a few. The importance of having your baby checked for subluxation and nerve interference cannot be overstated. Any blockage or disharmony in an infant or young child can lead to future health challenges as their systems mature and develop.

Chiropractic Session Options

Private Sessions:

Take a pause in your busy day to explore your body, unpack any stress you might be carrying and integrate a new level of wellbeing.

Using specific contacts, typically working from light to deep touch, a gentle, intuitive process of unlocking tension patterns stored in and around your spine and nervous system unfolds.

Combining myofascial release, stretching, trigger point therapy, reiki energy healing and traditional chiropractic adjustments in accordance with your body's exact needs at that moment in time.

Service Fees


Integration of stored tension and stress patterns within the body-mind.

Dr. Nate Patocchi

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Hridayam Chiropractic - Dr. Nate Patocchi DC, Inc

120 Pleasant Hill Ave N, Suite 200E,
Sebastopol, CA


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