Why “Hridayam”

Hridayam: ‘Rid-eye-um’

From the ancient Sanskrit language this word directly translates to, “spiritual heart” or “that which gives and takes in perfect balance.” It can also mean, “soul,” “true/divine knowledge” and “essence (of something).”

This name was inspired by my recent year long traveling experience and cultural immersion in India.
During a very challenging time in my life where I was truly questioning what seemed like every aspect of my existence (an existential crisis if you will), I deeply contemplated ideas such as the nature of God and what it even meant to be “human” in the first place.

Keeping the Sun in our Hearts…

During this troubling time I came across a Sanskrit mantra (technically called a Shloka) that gave me much solace. It goes, “Aditya hridayam punyam sari shatru bena shenam” (we can talk about how to pronounce that later) meaning, “All evil vanishes from life for him who keeps the sun in his heart.” This is what I rooted in as I gathered inspiration for my logo, and you might notice that the logo rooted itself in it.

A Chiropractic awakening…

Through Chiropractic, a new dimension of my life and consciousness began to open and awaken. I began to realize the true power of what we call a “Chiropractic adjustment” and what it was really doing for me not only as a reciever of it, but as a practitioner as well.

The adjustments quite literally began to “put me back together” and in many more ways than just the physical; it was doing the same for me mentally and spiritually as well.

My relationships and conversations with myself, strangers, lovers, family and friends, as well as my perception and understanding them, began to change in unimaginable ways; my mind and heart got on the same page and the inner-coherence I was feeling began to resonate more fully in my external life.

Our Symbol

The shining sun represents pure consciousness, the all pervading and encompassing light of our being. The fractalized heart represents the individual self as well as humanity itself; divided, yet broken even and wholly unified in this light of awareness.

It shows us that though separation is experienced and felt, there is an underlying light that has the absolute potential to unify every aspect of our being, as well as all of humanity. So each piece is a whole unto itself, and the light of consciousness is what harmonizes all the percieved parts and pieces of our being, allowing us this recognition of unity.

This harmonizing light is not in fact a mystery, but a reality, a light that is waiting right here for us to open our eyes and awaken to so that we may become whole again.

The work on the nervous system by a Chiropractor…

…as holistic a method of healing as there ever could be!

As I sat down to really consider what Chiropractic meant to me, what this work was really going to be about and how I was going to share it with others, it was as if I could feel the name and image longing to be born from the very core of my existence. I could feel it so deeply and authentically that it was unexplainable, yet I did not stop there.

I searched tirelessly the depths and hollows of my mind, body and spirit as I traveled through India and out of this seeking the name Hridayam Chiropractic and it’s physical representation was spontaneously born; it felt as if the Universe itself birthed the idea in my very own heart-mind… What I later realized I had arrived at was a perfect representation of the truth of my existence, which for myself is the reality of what it means to be a “Chiropractor” as well as to recieve regular adjustments; it is a way to explain to others why I could help them with not just back pain or headaches, but really anything...

Your Piece of Life

There is nothing more valuable…

I will care for you like you are the most important piece of life in this world because quite frankly, you are.

Without you at your best, we are all lacking a little bit of infinity.

Pranams, Dr. Nate